Staff Spotlights

Meet Brandon Stephenson

Brandon Stephenson was hired in December of 2016 as our new Director of Development. Brandon comes to us with experience as the Marketing and Communications manager at the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce. He graduated from Tennessee Technological University in 2012 with a B.S. in Communications.  He comes with a vast background volunteering with teen-focused, local ministries.

He is father to a family of four, with his wife Whitney and sons Bennett and Oliver – and they enjoy adventuring around the Upper Cumberland and growing together as a family. “I grew up in Cookeville, and lived here most of my life. When the opportunity to join the Ranch family was presented, I knew I couldn’t turn it down. Working with youth in the Upper Cumberland was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done, and helped to shape me into the person I am today. Now that I have children of my own, my time in direct ministry is shorter, but I still get the opportunity to invest and advocate for children in need because of Mustard Seed Ranch, and what better thing could you ask for?”

Welcome MSR's new Director of Development, Brandon Stephenson! Pictured is his beautiful wife Whitney, with eldest son Bennett, and Ollie set to arrive!

Welcome MSR's new Director of Development, Brandon Stephenson! Pictured is his beautiful wife Whitney, with eldest son Bennett, and Ollie set to arrive!

Thank you to Joyelle Hudson, MSR Education Director, and Kayla Fitts, MSR case manager, for 7 years of love and dedication to the children and family of Mustard Seed Ranch! May God bless you just as much as you have blessed all of us here at the Ranch! We miss you and love you!


Joyelle and Kayla (pictured center frame) will be missed at MSR. We love you guys!

Joyelle and Kayla (pictured center frame) will be missed at MSR. We love you guys!