Letter From the Director

Dear Friends,

It makes my heart happy to watch our families learning and growing together.   Our house parents are evolving every day and learning how strong they are through their faith.  God shines His light through them and in them on a daily basis.  By no means do I want to present that they are perfect however, they live in His perfect love always praying and improving right along side our children. 

It is such a blessing to see our older kids step in as role models for our younger children and new additions to the family.  The cycle of distrust begins to diminish the longer a child remains at the Ranch.  Layers and layers of self-protection and anger from the past begin to melt away, leaving a child who is ready to tackle his or her next obstacle instead of run from it in fear. 

Your prayers and support are making our growth as a family possible.  You are the very support system anchoring our ability to grow from a small mustard seed into an orchard.  You are helping us provide a loving home and family for the children of the Mustard Seed Ranch!

Grateful for God and You,

Tammy Depperschmidt
Executive Director
Mustard Seed Ranch